2024 Trail work weekends

Our 2024 trail work weekend schedule will include 3-4 trail work weekends.


2nd - 3rd

Alcohol is allowed at the Lodge.

This event date has passed.

17th - 19th

Camping / Van Camping
Dinner Friday is NOT PROVICED.


June 2nd

Race weekend
Immediate post-race repair work.

6th - 7th

Alcohol is allowed at the Lodge.

Our typical trail work weekend looks like this:

FRIDAY - Arrive after noon. Trailwork optional. If there's daylight, please feel free to go for a ride.
SATURDAY - Trail work begins at 9:00am after breakfast.
SUNDAY - Ride day. Enjoy the trails after putting in time on Saturday.

More than one person in your party?
Please make sure to fill out the form for EACH PERSON!

"LODGE CAMPING" AVAILABLE: Minimalistic cabin camping is available when the lodge is indicated underneath the trail dates above. There are several bunk houses that are available for you to sleep in -- first-come/first-serve. Additionally, there is space around the outside of the main lodge on a covered patio where you can pitch a tent. Van/car camping is also obviously available if you happen to be driving one of those types of vehicles.

Bring blankets and/or sleeping bag and you can stay Friday and Saturday nights on-site. Access to a cabin with a kitchen for cooking is also available to the group.

Bring gloves that fit well so you don't get blisters, hiking boots too, rain gear and warm gear in case it's wet and cold. Go for long pants instead of shorts. And the usual fare--water, food, sunscreen, etc.

We will be covering your meals. Please opt-in with this form so we can make sure to have enough food for you. We do not accommodate any specific food allergies or limitations. So if you are vegan / vegetarian, or have a specific food allergy please be prepared to bring some food for yourself just to be on the safe side. Typically, your limits can be accommodated with the produce that we bring on-site, but there is no guarantee.

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